Digital marketing

Involves connecting with and influencing your potential customers in the online space. Increase brands awareness and intrest at the very top of the sales funnel. 


Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of orienting your website to rank higher on a search engine results page so that you receive more traffic. 


Advertising is a promotional activity which aims to sale a product or service to a target Audience.          We provide all types of  social media ads.

WordPress Website designer

WordPress is an open-source Content management system (CMS) that makes it easy to create and manage a website.                                                                * We create Woo-commerce Website.

Content writer

It is a form of Marketing where Content such as blogs, videos, social media posts etc. Are used to generate intrest in a brand and potentially make  purchase.


Canva is a free program with a paid version that allows you to create different types of designs for your website, blog or social networks.